Club4ag is a ghost town

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Re: Club4ag is a ghost town

Postby yoshimitsuspeed » Mon Apr 20, 2015 8:49 pm

jinx wrote:FB slam on the brakes on all forums it seems. Maybe its just a fad, that will blow over..... slowly ;)

I hope so Jinx
FB is nice for posting pics, discussing meets and real time things. If people just decided that the forums are so much better for searching, tech talk and stuff like that the world would be a better place. People just don't have the patients and want it all spoon fed to them right now.

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Re: Club4ag is a ghost town

Postby JyuRoku » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:59 am

^ Seriously? wtf. Prime example...people don't remember how to use forums :lol:

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Re: Club4ag is a ghost town

Postby jondee86 » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:37 pm

Yeah... noticed that, but fixed now :)

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Re: Club4ag is a ghost town

Postby crappy4ag » Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:02 pm

haven't been back in awhile...

been a member since '05 and alot has changed here. for the worse i'm afraid. don't lose the tech pages/FAQs or the classifieds or this place will really die.

i like being a member of many forums. i dont post at all. but theres information to be had and read from many places. its just a click away.
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Re: Club4ag is a ghost town

Postby AZNWOKZ » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:07 am

Club4AG FB page= BUMP on any News Thres entry. lol

FB does well to organize people to events and conveniences "OF the MOMENT" or " "Instant"
But Forums by far is worth for archiving entries and Build logs. They will always have their place. Only good if people contribute their knowledge in a nice organized way.

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Re: Club4ag is a ghost town

Postby gotzoom? » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:18 pm

I still lurk here, but I don't post that much. Most of the time, I start to reply, and then start to think about what will happen if I do. It's always one of two things: a) I post a sensible answer and it is ignored or b) Smartass comments start pouring in which makes me lose interest. The result is that I don't post because it's most likely a waste of time. If I have a question, I usually find another place to ask. The c4ag FB group is all about who can post the stupidest meme or have the snarkiest reply, so I don't bother with it either. Luckily for me, we have a pretty vibrant NorCal community where most people are respectful of each other, don't try to screw each other and recognize that that many people are just passing through in between an S13 and a DA Integra, but also respect the old-timers. Many of us are happy to open our garages to locals (or anyone, really) needing help, loan smog parts and provide advice. There are people that organize track and drift events, instruct and help first timers too. It's like a real community because it is a real community. We have a FB group that is used for people to keep in touch that is moderated in a way that makes it socially unacceptable to be an asshat. My local community has become my source for information and the place that I help out. How that concept can work here, I have no idea. I think it all starts with encouraging respect and not tolerating disrespect, though.

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Re: Club4ag is a ghost town

Postby gotzoom? » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:28 pm

An interesting data point that I just noticed:
As of this writing, there are 66 posts in this thread (this being the 67th.)
8 of those posts were made by people that did not join in Jan 2013
Of the non-Jan 2013 people, seven of them accounted for the 8 posts

That seems to indicate that the only ones that care are the ones that have been around a while, which is probably not a good trend.

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Re: Club4ag is a ghost town

Postby Clouds » Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:09 am

Well, why would a person who hasn't been here all that long (like myself) care about how the community has changed? For me, the only C4AG I know is the leisurely, friendly one that I've seen. I wasn't here when the forum was booming, so I don't know about how the golden days were the best.
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Re: Club4ag is a ghost town

Postby jondee86 » Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:22 pm

And this ^^^^ is a very interesting comment :)

Younger generations have not experienced and cannot really understand how
the world has changed over the last (say) 50 years. A 20 year old person only
knows how life is now, and without anything to compare with, can only assume
that the world today is "normal".

Yet a 60 year old person can look back and make comparisons with how the
world was 20, 30 or 40 years ago. They can see what has changed... what got
better and what got worse. Their idea of "normal" will be quite different from
a younger person, because we form our impressions of the world and society
when we are young. If you spend any time talking to your parents and grandparents
about the "good old days", you will know what I mean :)

So, as expressed in the previous post, it is not logical to expect younger people
to think and act the same as an older generation. Each generation reflects
the standards and behavior of its era. So there is no reason to expect that
these forums will remain the same forever.
Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change
is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible
improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is
perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
- George Santayana, The Life of Reason (1905-1906)

Unfortunately, we live in a world where change is disguised as improvement, and
progress means destroying the legacy of the past. As George Santayana expressed
it so elegantly 100 years ago; by ignoring the lessons of history we are doomed to
make the same mistakes over and over again. Anyone see a parallel between events
in the Middle East and the Crusades ?

Quiet morning here, so a little bit of homespun philosophy :lol:

Cheers... jondee86
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Re: Club4ag is a ghost town

Postby shadowwolf151 » Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:52 pm

I agree with what Clouds and Jondee86 said. And me personally, I'm happy as long as the community doesn't die. I enjoy reading all of the new tech and help threads that come up, where I can learn about all kinds of problems that I may encounter, and get answers to questions that I have without having to ask them myself. I especialy like reading posts from Jondee86 and Yoshimitsuspeed because they tend to be very well thought out and written :D

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Re: Club4ag is a ghost town

Postby badboy88000 » Wed May 06, 2015 6:43 pm

I agree that's it's been a ghost town; most people are active on the FB page rather than the actual forum.

Every now and then I post up my two cents but many of the OG guys have gotten tired with answering questions, especially when they are easily answered by searching up on google.

I don't think this community will die, but most definitely it will never be the same as it was when I first joined in 2003. It's sad to see how it's changed over the years.

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Re: Club4ag is a ghost town

Postby RuizXIII » Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:18 pm

Jondee as always comes in to drop some serious knowledge on everyone, haha.

Hey, I am just happy these forums still exist!!
C4AG is one of the first car forums I ever joined, way back in the ancient time of 2004.
Although it is not "booming" there is still a lot of cool info and members on here =)